Free Bird

Sometimes I hate my family.

Malena N Davis


Okay, hate is a little extreme, but these fools can make a lion turn around and bite its own arse! What are you talking about woman you may ask yourself.

Photo by TJ Arnold on Unsplash

Good question, let’s get to it.

My son came over to my house close to seven o’clock at night.

No problem, the family can come over whenever, but this usually means there is an emergency. A vehicle has broken down, someone is sick, something big that needs immediate attention and action required.

My son is all in a huff and he goes, “Mom! Look what was on my porch!” Me being me, my first response is to walk up to him. I stop myself.

My family is horrible little pranksters. So in my head now, I am thinking he’s going to through a bug, lizard, or even a snake on me. I’m not scared of these things but regardless. You know that kid that picked up a snake-like nothing on youtube, yeah even at their ages now these goofballs will still do that exact same thing. Reveling in the initial scream and frantic crazed dance that follows.

Staying where I am standing I ask, “is it alive?” My son says yeah. I am not afraid to admit it I stepped back and was readying myself to run into my bedroom shutting the door behind me. Leaving my poor daughters and grandchildren to fend for themselves.

I have always told them to walk close to me just in case a monster jumps out I have something to through at them. It’s a joke of course.

My daughters who fear nothing jumped up eager to see the treasure my son held in his clutched hands. Only when I knew I would be shielded did I decide to come just a little closer away from the safety of my doorway.

These two hens clucked and giggled laughing at the little bold nearly featherless baby bird in my son’s hands as he presented it to me. My first thought was to yell at him for picking it up. My eldest beat me to the punch yelling and chastising him for getting his human smell all over the poor little thing.

When he was finally able to get a word in, he said he had found it on the front porch. Everyone took their shot at playing detective trying to figure out where had the little thing come from? Maybe it had fallen out from the front porch…



Malena N Davis

Mrs. Lopez (maid-name Davis), is an entrepreneur, a voice-over artist, and a freelance writer on sites such as HitRecord, ACX, Vocal, NaNoWriMo, and now Medium!