Here Waiting

Dreams and wishes

Malena N Davis
2 min readNov 30, 2021
Photo by Ishan Gupta on Unsplash

I sit in my lonely room today, I sit here, and only here I will stay.

Away from the world and the things that it brings, away from so many people, and things that are unnecessarily cruel or mean.

I sit here and sit here and sometimes I pray for things to get better, I know they can and will someday.

I pray for grass that is greener and trees that never fall.

I pray for smiling children that will grow up healthy, strong, and tall.

I pray for the teachers and preachers that say they pray for us all.

I pray for mothers and fathers whose love never stalls.

Until that day I will sit here in my lonely room, I pray this will all come very soon.

If not I am afraid to say, this is the only place that I will ever stay.

I really should not watch the news.

I wanted to go on a tangent on everything I read and saw today. Then I realized, I would only be adding to the problem of self-entitled people who think they know more than anyone and everyone else.

As if my opinion would have an impact, other than adding to the pandora's box of negativity that is circulating.

I promise to you my friends, I will only write about what I think I know. I say think I know, because I know there's always more to learn on any and all subjects. If at any time you can say, “I know this and that is it.” Then I say to you my friend you have either given up, lost interest, or have found a comfortable spot to stop at and I encourage you to look deeper, go further. Try looking through someone else's eyes. We all see things differently.

I will write only about my experiences, things I’ve learned over the years, and hope we can on occasion agree to disagree then move on. Go forward looking for even greater treasures.

I refuse to put anyone in a box of any size because I know we are all more than what can fit inside any size box. This I know for sure.

I really hope that your days are filled with love and respect for others and yourself regardless of what is going on around you. Please be at peace with hearts full of love. Thank you for your time and for reading.



Malena N Davis

Mrs. Lopez (maid-name Davis), is an entrepreneur, a voice-over artist, and a freelance writer on sites such as HitRecord, ACX, Vocal, NaNoWriMo, and now Medium!